Draft Full Paper Due:
June 1, 2019(Extended)
Notification of Draft Paper Acceptance:
July 1, 2019(Extended)
Author Registration Deadline:
July 15, 2019(Extended)
Final Manuscript Due:
July 15, 2019(Extended)
Regular Attendee Early Bird Registration Deadline:
July 15, 2019(Extended)
All the accepted and presented papers will be published in IEEE Xplore® for indexing with Engineering Index (EI). In the meantime, selected excellent papers will be recommended for review and publication in the special issues/columns of several SCI journals, given below:
1. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics (Elsevier journal, SCI indexed, Impact factor: 1.307)
SDPC 2019 is collaborating with Chinese Journal of Aeronautics (CJA-Elsevier) on a special column titled “PHM with Aerospace Applications”. CJA-Elsevier is a peer-reviewed international journal reporting the scientific progresses and technological achievements in aeronautic engineering and astronautic engineering. CJA-Elsevier is rated as one of the top engineering journals in the field with a high international impact (Impact Factor: 1.307). Approximately five high-quality conference papers from SDPC 2019 will be recommended for review for this special column. The selected authors can choose either extending the current conference paper (with sufficiently new technical materials; less than 30% content overlapping with the conference papers) or submitting a new journal paper for this special column. Submission instruction will be given in due course. Guest Editor: Professor Jie (Peter) Liu, Carleton University, Canada.
2. Sensors (MDPI journal, SCIE indexed - Science Citation Index Expanded, Scopus Elsevier Indexed, Impact factor: 2.677)
SDPC 2019 is collaborating with Sensors (MDPI journal) on a special issue titled “Sensors for Prognostics and Health Management”. Sensors (ISSN 1424-8220; CODEN: SENSC9) is a leading international, peer-reviewed, open access journal on the science and technology of sensors and biosensors. Sensors are essential components of a typical PHM system. Effective PHM relies on advanced sensors and sensing technologies for providing informative data to estimate the health condition of the system. The MDPI journal, Sensors, is soliciting high-quality papers that document original and significant research works in “sensors for Prognostics and Health Management”. We are planning to recommend as many papers from SDPC 2019 as possible for this special issue if the quality of papers meets the requirement of the journal (no limitation on the number of the papers; APC: 1800 Swiss Franc). The selected authors can choose either extending the current conference paper (with sufficiently new technical materials; less than 30% content overlapping with the conference papers) or submitting a new journal paper for this special issue. Submission instruction will be given in due course. Guest Editor: Professor Jie (Peter) Liu, Carleton University, Canada.
3. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering (SCI indexed, Impact factor: 0.814)
SDPC 2019 is collaborating with Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering (SCI journal) on a special issue titled “PHM for Mechanical Systems”. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering (CJME) was launched in 1988. It is a peer-reviewed journal under the govern of China Association for Science and Technology (CAST) and sponsored by Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society (CMES). As the only official journal of CMES, CJME has been one of the top journals in Mechanical Engineering in China, aiming to become a world-class one. On behalf of CMES, CJME serves for international communication among over 80 international societies/institutions, such as American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE), and International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science (IFToMM), etc. The selected authors can choose either extending the current conference paper (with sufficient new technical materials; less than 30% content overlapping with the conference papers) or submitting a new high-quality journal paper for this special issue. Submission instruction will be given in due course. Guest Editor: Professor Jie (Peter) Liu, Carleton University, Canada.