Draft Full Paper Due:
May 7,2017 (Extended)
Notification of Draft Paper Acceptance:
May 10,2017 (Updated)
Author Registration Deadline:
May 25,2017(Extended)
Final Manuscript Due:
May 25,2017 (Updated)
Early Bird Registration Deadline:
August 1, 2017
The authors should prepare their submissions according to the following instructions:
- 1. Submit the draft Abstract(s) of your paper(s) by the Abstract Submission Deadline. The draft abstracts will help the Conference Committee better prepare for the conference arrangement by knowing who will submit the paper(s) in which area. There is no specific restriction on the length of the draft abstracts, although an abstract with 100-200 words would be more preferred. Please be noted that this is only the draft abstract, and you can further revise and update the abstract(s) when you submit your draft full paper(s) or final manuscript(s) later.
- 2. For the authors who are not able to submit the draft abstract(s) by the Abstract Submission Deadline, they can directly submit their draft Full Paper(s) by the Draft Full Paper Deadline. To prepare the draft full paper(s), please use the paper template (MS Word version) that can be downloaded from Downloads page on your left-hand side of the screen. This paper template can also be downloaded from the web link given below (Please use US Letter version, NOT A4 version):
The maximum length of the full paper is of 6 pages including references and illustrations. If a paper has more than 6 pages, an extra charge (30 USD or 200 RMB per page) will be applied.
- 3. Submit your Abstract(s) and/or draft Full Paper(s) via EasyChair Paper Management System (the link given below):
If you are the first-time user(s) of EasyChair System, you need to create an account with this system. With EasyChair System, you can upload, withdraw, and re-upload your Abstract(s) and/or Full Paper(s), and also you can update your paper information including authors, abstracts, key words, and full papers later on. For each of your submission, you will receive an acknowledgement message from EasyChair System confirming your submission.
- 4. All accepted and presented full papers are eligible for submission to the IEEE Xplore and EI indexing. In addition, approximately ten outstanding papers with appropriate extension will be selected for a Special Column with Chinese Journal of Aeronautics - Elsevier (SCI Journal), and approximately forty outstanding papers with appropriate extension will be selected for publication with Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems (SCI Journal). After your paper(s) is accepted, you should submit the final manuscript via EasyChair System by the Final Manuscript Deadline. All the papers to be submitted to the IEEE Xplore Digital Library need to go through the IEEE PDF eXpress® Check (the detailed information about the IEEE PDF eXpress® Check will be provided in due course) before they can be uploaded to EasyChair System as the Final Manuscript. For the papers that are selected for publication with Chinese Journal of Aeronautics – Elsevier and Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, please refer to the respective journal for formatting requirements.
- 5. Copyright Forms. For all the papers to be submitted to the IEEE Xplore Digital Library, please download the IEEE Copyright and Consent Form from the Downloads page on your left-hand side of the screen, and then send your completed IEEE Copyright and Consent Form to sdpc2017@163.com or jliu@mae.carleton.ca by the Final Manuscript Deadline. Please enter “2017 International Conference on Sensing, Diagnostics, Prognostics, and Control” under IEEE Publication Title in the form. For the papers that are selected for publication with Chinese Journal of Aeronautics – Elsevier and Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, the respective journal editor will contact you for copyright form in due course.
Should you have any questions regarding your paper submission, please send an e-mail to: sdpc2017@163.com or jliu@mae.carleton.ca